QuickBooks POS Error code 176109 occurs when the user has filled an invalid product number. Hence, there is an incorrect product key used for registering into QuickBooks POS. If the application doesn’t get the necessary administrative level permissions, then the user might face QuickBooks point of sale product number.

What Causes Point of Sale Invalid Product Numbers?

There are multiple reasons why users see error message of QuickBooks Error 176109:

  • The user hasn’t logged in through Windows as an administrator.
  • Users may have used incorrect product codes to install the QuickBooks Point of Sale Application.
  • The Point of Sale Entitlement folder has damaged files. The accounting software may also have some issues.

How To Fix QuickBooks Invalid Product Number : The Solutions

There are many ways to solve Error code 176109. We have mentioned the most practical methods below.

Solution 1: Deleting Everything In Entitlement Client Folder (Manual, Automatic)

Manual Method

  • Press the windows+E key to go to file explorer. See hidden files by going to view–> show hidden files.
  • Follow this path: C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8
  • Select and delete all the files in this folder. Press Yes to confirm the action.
  • Restart the QB Point of Sale and complete its registration.

Automatic Method

  • Download Clear Entitlement File Tool
  • Unzip the file on the desktop.
  • Run the file and relaunch QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.

Complete the registration. Also, you are free to delete the Clear Entitlement v8. bat file. Check whether the QuickBooks POS Error code 176109 is fixed or not.

Read Also: How to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 6105?

Solution 2: Changing Name Of WS Activity File

  • Press the Windows+E key and open windows Explorer.
  • Follow this path: C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of Sale XX\Ini
  • Right-click the WSActivity file and rename it by adding OLD with the name.
  • Close the window and delete the files in the entitlement client folder.

Relaunch QB Desktop Point of Sale application and check if the QuickBooks Error 176109 is resolved or not.

Solution 3: Conduct A Clean Installation Of QB Point Of Sale

Note: Before resolving Error code 176109, prepare a backup file, as this step requires uninstalling the application. With this measure, the user can avoid data loss.

  • Go to search –> search bar –> Control Panel –> Programs & Features.
  • Click and uninstall QuickBooks Point of Sale from listed programs.
  • Go to the Point of Sale folder and add OLD at the end of the folder so that QuickBooks doesn’t recognize this folder and prepares a new one.
  • After that, reinstall and relaunch the Point of Sale application.
  • Prepare a new company file and restore the backup.

Open the app to check if QuickBooks Error 176109 is resolved or not. also, reregister the QB Point of Sale Application.

Read Also: Fix QuickBooks Error 15106 – Payroll Update Error

Solution 4: Doing a system restore

  • Firstly, log into your system as an administrator.
  • Go to start –> Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools –> System Restore.
  • Open new window –> Click Restore my computer to an earlier time
  • Click the latest system restore, and tap next to confirm.

Once the process is complete, reboot the system to check whether the Error code 176109 is resolved or not.

Solutions 5: Using The Tool Method

  • Download QuickBooks Tool, however, makes sure the company files are protected.
  • Run the file and install the program. After that, click the scan button.
  • Click the fix errors option after the scan.
  • Restart the system to check whether the error persists or not.

The utility tool resolves registry issues in Windows OS, and also thoroughly scans and repairs all bugs.


With this blog, we tried our best to resolve QuickBooks Error 176109. This blog was an attempt to educate users about its causes and ways to resolve the error. The users will be more prepared to deal with the error.

The solutions provided above should fix the QuickBooks Error 176109, however, if you experience any interruptions using any of those solutions, or if the error does not resolve, reach out to our helpline number 1-802-778-9005 for immediate support.