Learn the best ways to resolve the QuickBooks Error Code 6000 77 like a Pro.

Whenever users cannot access the company file, they deal with the error code 6000, 77. This blog is intended to help all those users who are trying to fix the error. We will also list the reasons, to help you avoid 6000 series errors in the future.

QuickBooks is popular accounting software. Many small and medium businesses use the application for their bookkeeping and other needs as it has an easy-to-use and user-friendly interface. However, it also has lots of bugs, known as QuickBooks Errors. Today, we are dealing with QuickBooks Error 6000, 77, which is one of many bugs in the accounting software.

What Is QuickBooks Error 6000, 77?

Users may face this error when the company file is saved in an incorrect folder or path. QuickBooks is unable to access this path. Hence it pops up Error: 6000, 77 on the screen with this message:

We are sorry. QuickBooks encountered a problem. Error codes: (-6000, -77).

QuickBooks error 6000, 77 mainly appears when you have saved the file in the wrong folder. To know more about the error, you should go through the whole post. Below, we have listed the symptoms, causes, and solutions to deal with the same.

Why Does QuickBooks Error 6000, 77 Occur?

  • Following are the reasons behind the constant occurrence of QuickBooks Error 6000, 77.
  • When the company file is not in a local drive, you might face error 6000, 77.
  • QuickBooks is running in multi-user mode, leading to communication issues.
  • Several files are open from the point of view of mapped drives in QuickBooks Desktop.
  • The folder having a company file does not have proper folder permissions.
  • Usually, restarting the system resolves QuickBooks Error Code 6000, 77. However, if rebooting does not help, you can check out the methods listed below.

How do I fix error 6000 77 in QuickBooks?

We have mentioned comprehensive methods to fix the error. However, do try these quick fixes before checking out those methods. Your issue might get solved without putting in a lot of effort.

1. Open the QuickBooks software again after changing the folder permissions. Also, run the application in administrator mode. (Right-click on the icon and choose Run as an Administrator).

2. The company file is kept on an external file. Hence, copy this file locally.

3. Chane the mapped drive settings and choose the right server. For this, you need to choose Open or Restore in the File menu. And then, access a company file and choose Network Place. After that, choose the entire network and click server. Finally, restart QuickBooks.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 6000, 77?

Below we have noted down some of the most effective methods to resolve the error (-6000, -77).

Solution 1: Use the File Doctor Tool

The QuickBooks tool hub is valuable software released by Intuit to repair many QuickBooks errors. It has multiple tools. For instance: The diagnostic tool, File doctor tool, and Quick Fix My Program Tool. It also works against QuickBooks Error 6000, 77.

Firstly, download (QuickBooksToolHub.exe) and install QuickBooks Tool Hub from the official website of Intuit.

  • If you already have Tool Hub in your system, then go to its home tab to check its version. The user must have the latest version of Tool Hub.
  • After that, go to the desktop icon of Tool Hub, and open the application.
  • Once you open the tool hub, go to company file issues–> Run QuickBooks File Doctor.

Once the process completes, reboot the system. Also, check if QB6301 is resolved or not.

You may also read: QuickBooks Error 6000

Solution 2: Change the Name of ND and TLG Files.

The files with extension ND and TLG are QuickBooks-related configuration files. These files let the application access company files in multi-user mode and across a network.

There are chances that you have corrupted versions of these files. Hence, we will rename them to repair them. However, it would not lead to any data loss because these files are auto-generated when we open the company file. Also, when the user scans the company file with Database Server Manager, these files get auto-generated.

Follow this path: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files.

  • After that, look for files with ND and TLG extensions. For instance: company_file.qbw.nd, company_file.qbw.tlg
  • Rename these files by adding .old at the end of the file name. For instance: company_file.qbw.nd.OLD

Hopefully, it will resolve QuickBooks Error -6000 -77.

Solution 3: Prefer UNC Path Over a Mapped Drive

  • Firstly, go to the QuickBooks icon, hold the ctrl key while choosing the option to run as an administrator.
Run QuickBooks as Administrator Screenshot
  • Hold the ctrl key till you get no company open window.
  • Keep the Ctrl key pressed to stop QuickBooks from opening the company file.
  • After that, go to the file menu–> Open or Restore Company–> Open a company file–> Next.
  • On the left side of the screen, choose Network, and go to the location of the company file.
  • If you cannot locate the folder with the company file, check hidden folders and also set windows folder permissions.
  • Finally, open the company file.
  • Hopefully, it will fix QuickBooks Error 6000-77.

Solution 4: Check the Security Software and Firewall Settings.

  • Firstly, go to Windows Firewall–> advanced settings.
  • Manually reconfigure all the exceptions related to QuickBooks on the firewall ports.
  • Also, change the exceptions for antivirus. It will resolve the QuickBooks Error code -6000 -77.

Solution 5: Recreating the Damaged Folder

  • Firstly, go to your Drive C. After that, make a new folder.
  • After that, open the folder with the company file.
  • Look for the QBW files. For instance: company_file.qbw.
  • Copy-paste this file after you create a new folder.
  • Lastly, changes the permissions to allow sharing of company files.
  • Finally, you can open QB Desktop again and open this file from the newly built location.

Also Read: QuickBooks Error 6000, 80

Wrapping Up!

We hope that the above steps will help you solve QuickBooks Error 6000, 77. If you are new to dealing with such technical glitches, call our expert team. We are available 24/7 to provide you with technical support. If you’re still facing problems, you can contact eBetterBooks support team at +1-802-778-9005.