How to Fix QuickBooks Error 1904

If you’ve encountered QuickBooks Error 1904 during installation and need a swift solution, you’re at the right place. This error often arises in various situations while installing QuickBooks Desktop. 

In this guide, we’ll provide detailed insights into QuickBooks Error 1904, its causes, and effective quick fixes to help you resolve the issue promptly. 

What is QuickBooks Error 1904 & How Does it Look When Occurs

QuickBooks Error 1904 occurs during the installation of QuickBooks Desktop, often due to missing crucial company files in the database. Apart from affecting the QuickBooks program, this error can render the system unstable. You might encounter this error during installation or when opening a company file. To prevent QuickBooks Error 1904 and other installation issues, you are suggested to check what data you have in your systems and get them optimized. 

This error appears on the screen in the form of a message that states: 

Error Description 
Intuit QuickBooks InstallerError 1904: [file path / name / extension] failed to register,
WarningError 1904: IcWrapper Dll Failed To Register

Note: The QuickBooks Error 1904 is a warning sign of more important issues, and we suggest that the users fix it ASAP when they notice the symptoms.  

What are the causing roots behind the QuickBooks Error 1904

Many factors can cause QuickBooks errors. Below are some common causes that might contribute to errors in QuickBooks error 1904: 

  • QuickBooks files may encounter sudden damage, often due to inappropriate settings within the QuickBooks file. 
  • Missing components in the Microsoft OS or issues with hard-drive read-write functionality can contribute to the error. 
  • Usage of old and expired versions of the operating system.
  • Problems in creating a path during installation often originate from the installation source. 
  • Security software restrictions may prevent the proper installation of QuickBooks. 
  • Installing a new operating system on the device can disrupt QuickBooks functionality. 
  • More permissions on Windows can help the installation of QuickBooks. 
  •  Error 1904 may occur due to various unique problems, with note messages pointing to specific files or folders like dll and qbupdate.exe, often linked to distorted MS Visual C++. 
  • Failure to restart the system after updating the operating system to different versions can trigger the error. 
  • Glitches in your computer’s hard drive may hinder its ability to write files.  

How can we identify the effect of QuickBooks Error 1904

Below are some of the symptoms that users might encounter while facing the QuickBooks error 1904: 

  • Automatic updates for the system won’t be available. 
  • Permission and several other glitches will affect the functionality of hard drives and other read-write devices.
  • Company files may need to be included from time to time. 
  • The system’s speed will progressively decrease. 
  • A recurring message, “Error 1904: [file path/name/extension] failed to register” appears on the screen. 

Customized Solution for QuickBooks Error 1904

Before moving further, you can try these customized solutions for a quick resolution: 

  • To resolve this error, you first have to create a comprehensive backup of your QuickBooks data to protect against any data loss during troubleshooting. 
  • Begin by adding QuickBooks to your Bitdefender exclusion list. 
  • Next, run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from the official QuickBooks Tool Hub
  • Proceed to manually fix Windows components by reinstalling Microsoft .NET Framework and repairing Microsoft MSXML. 
  • Adjust your Windows account settings carefully through the command prompt. 
  • Now, refer to the QBVersionTool.dll following QuickBooks documentation.  
  • Activate the built-in or hidden administrator by executing specific commands in the Command prompt. 
  • Update your operating system by accessing Windows update in settings. 
  • Finally, uninstall and reinstall Adobe Flash Player via Control Panel.  

Solutions of QuickBooks Error 1904

Solutions Part 1

Before heading towards the solution, follow these precautionary steps: 

  • Prior to using the diagnostics tool, make sure you have a backup of critical data. 
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection before initiating the update. 
  • Prior to uninstalling, confirm that you have the necessary installation files for the Adobe Flash player. 
  • Before using the QBVersionTool.dll, understand its purpose and potential impact. 
  • Carefully follow each step in the activation process to avoid unintended consequences. 

Solution Part 2

Now that we have seen the possible reasons behind the QuickBooks update error 1904 follow the below-given solutions carefully to resolve the error:

Solution 1: Adding QuickBooks to the Bitdefender exclusion list

This solution specifically applies to Bitdefender users. By simply disabling the error, you can’t get rid of it. In this scenario, you will have to add QuickBooks to the latest version of Bitdefender. 

  • For 32-bit Windows OS: Exclude Put C:\Program files\Common files in the exclusion list.
  • For 64-bit Windows OS: Exclude C:\Program Files\Intuit (C:\Program Files(x86)\Intuit) in the exclusion list.

Solution 2: Run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool from the QuickBooks Tool Hub

The next step to fix the QuickBooks error 1904 includes the use of the QuickBooks install diagnostic tool from the Tools Hub program. The steps below might help you with the process of diagnosing the ongoing error.  

Download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub 

  • First, download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub file from Intuit Official website. 
  • Once the download process is completed, please save the file to a location where you can find it easily. 
  • Now, open the file you downloaded (QuickBooksToolHub.exe).
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  • Then, install the Tool Hub program by following the on-screen instructions. 
  • Lastly, navigate to the home screen, find the new software’s icon, and double-click on it to start the program. 

Note: If you can’t find the icon, type QuickBooks Tool Hub in the search box and select the program. 

Run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

  • Now, in the QuickBooks Tool Hub, navigate to the option of Installation Issues and click it. 
  • Then, select the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool in the next window. This will run the tool, and the process can take about 20 minutes.
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  • Once the process is completed, reboot the computer and open QuickBooks Desktop.  

Solution 3: Manually fix Windows components

To fix QuickBooks Error 1904, you need to repair some specific Windows components from the system itself. This process should only be attempted if you are an IT professional or a confident Windows user. The two components which are required to be manually fixed are: 

  • Repair or reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Repair Microsoft MSXML

The two components, .NET Framework and MSXML Windows, are essential for QuickBooks installation. If the two components are damaged, you won’t be able to install the application.   

Repair or reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework

You can repair the .NET Framework with the use of the official .NET Framework Repair Tool available on Microsoft’s official website. You can check for common issues influencing the .NET Framework setup or updates and suggest fixes accordingly. 

  • First, go to the Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool page. 
  • Now, navigate to the Download information section. 
  • Then, download the executable file by clicking on the Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool link.  
  • Once the download is complete, double-click on the Netfxrepairtool.exe to run the repair tool. If prompted by User Account Control, then click Yes. 
  • After this, accept the terms and conditions and click Next. 
  • The repair tool will start performing some tests to recognize the issues. Once done, it will suggest some changes. Read the description and tap Next to apply the changes. 
  • Once the process is done, click Next and Finish to close the repair tool. 

Note: Follow the more detailed instructions in our guide to repair the .NET Framework. 

Repair Microsoft MSXML

For 64 Bit OS 

  • Click on the Windows icon and type CMD into the search box. 
  • Now, click on the Run as administrator option.
  • Once the Command Prompt window opens, type cmd to get to the C: root directory. 
  • Now, press and hold the keyboard shortcut CD windows/syswow64 /. Once in syswow64, type regsvr32 MSXML6.dll. 
  • Then, press Enter once again. 

Note: You can try installing QuickBooks to determine if the issue persists. 

For 32 Bit OS 

First, press the Win + R keys simultaneously on your keyboard, followed by the Enter key to open the Run command. 

Now, press the Enter key to add cmd to the text box. 

Enter regsvr32 MSXML6.dll in the command prompt and press Enter to continue. 

Note: All you need to do is either repair the two files or uninstall them and download the current version of them. Once these two files are repaired, the running error might be solved. 

Solution 4: Change your Windows account settings

You are required to switch to the Windows Administrator account to change a few settings. 

  • First, press the Windows button on the keyboard or click the bottom left corner of the screen. 
  • Now, enter CMD in the search bar, and select Run as administrator. 
  • Then, once the command prompt window appears, type net user administrator/active: yes, and click the Enter tab. Afterward, quit the command window. 
  • After this, click on the Windows start icon, and then select your account name, and click on Sign out.
  • Lastly, navigate to the Account, which is labeled as the administrator, and try to log in there. You might not require a password to sign in.  

Solution 5: Refer to the QBversionTool.dll

This method specifically applies to the error message that refers to the QBversionTool.dll file. You are suggested to Install Diagnostic Tool and change the admin settings to proceed with the steps:   

Test your Permissions 

  • First, click the Windows start menu, type Notepad in the search box, and open it. 
  • Now, type QBTEST on the notepad. 
  • Then, click on the File option and select Save as. You are suggested to save it to either C:\Program Files\Common Files” or “C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files.  

Note: If you’re unable to save the note to the folder, then you’re required to sign in and install QuickBooks as an admin. 

Installing QuickBooks as Admin 

  • Now, you are supposed to install QuickBooks as an administrator. 
  • First, click on the Windows start menu and select the Sign-Out option. 
  • Now, select an Account that says Admin and sign in. It should be noted the password shouldn’t be there.
  • Then, install QuickBooks as admin. 

Solution 6: Activate the built-in or hidden administrator

Follow the below-given steps to a built-in administrator: 

Step 1: Activate the Built-in Administrator

  • Click on the Windows button on the keyboard. 
  • Now, type CMD in the search box. 
  • Then, click on Run as administrator. 
  • Enter the net user administrator /active: yes, in the command prompt window and hit the Enter tab. 

Note: If any error occurs, type net user administrator /active instead.     

Step 2: Switch to the built-in Administrator Account

  • First, press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the keyboard simultaneously, and choose the Switch User Windows 8 users option. 
  • Now, hit the Windows button and click on the user icon option on the upper right of the display. 
  • Then, again press Ctrl+Alt+Delete at a time, and select the default Administrator account icon.   

Step 3: Hide the built-in Administrator Account

  • First, press the Windows button on the keyboard. 
  • Now, type CMD in the search box, and choose the Run as administrator option. 
  • Then, type net user administrator /active: no in the command prompt, and press the Enter button. 

Step 4: Change installation directory security settings

  • First, open the File Explorer by clicking on the icon on the Start menu or by pressing Win + E simultaneously on the keyboard. 
  • Now, navigate to This PC and click on Local Disk (C:). 
  • Then, select the Program Files. 
  • Navigate to the Common Files, right-click on the folder, and choose the properties option. 
  • Click on the Security tab and select the Edit icon, and then under the Group or User names icon, select the Users option. 
  • Below the Permissions for Users tab, select the allow for the following permissions: 

1. Modify

2. Read and Execute

3. List Folder Contents

4. Read

5. Write

  • Click on the Apply and then OK BUTTON. 

Step 5: Do a QuickBooks Installation

  • Once again, install QuickBooks Desktop
  • Now, switch to the original user login after installing QuickBooks accounting software. 

Solution 7: Update Operating System

The QuickBooks error 1904 can be resolved by updating the operating system. There are many advantages of updating the O/S to the most recent version, which involves developed tools and functions to remove any technical glitches in your PC. Therefore, updating the O/S is critical.   

For Windows 8.1

The user who is using the Windows 8.1 O/S should perform the following steps below: 

  • First, click on the Windows icon and tap on the Settings option. 
  • Now, choose the Change PC settings option. 
  • Then, click on the Update & Recovery option and select Windows Update. 
  • After that, choose the Check Now link. 
  • Once the update is successfully downloaded, the user must choose the View Details option to proceed. 
  • In the list of updates, you might notice a number of update options with their download sizes.  
  • Lastly, reboot your system and log into QuickBooks. 

For Windows 10

Users who are using Windows 10 should perform the following steps below: 

  • First, click on the Windows icon and tap on the Settings option. 
  • Now, select the Update and Security option. 
  • Then, choose the Windows Update option. 
  • After this, tap on the Check for updates to start the process. 
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  • If there will be any new update, it will restore all choices. 
  • Select all the relevant and crucial updates, then click Update to start downloading them. 
  • Lastly, reboot the system once the updates have been downloaded successfully.  

Solution 8: Uninstall then reinstall Adobe Flash Player

Uninstalling and reinstalling the Adobe Flash player in QuickBooks error 1904 can resolve issues related to corrupted installation. This process ensures a clean installation, potentially fixing any compatibility or configuration that may be causing the issue. 

  • First, type Control Panel in the search box and open it. 
  • Now, click on the Uninstall a Program under the Programs option. 
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  • Then, search for Adobe Flash Player Active X from the list and click on it. 
  • After this, tap on Uninstall at the top. 
  • Move forward with the on-screen instructions to uninstall. 
  • Lastly, download and reinstall the Adobe Flash player again.

Concluding the Post!

Hopefully, the above-given information is useful for you. But if you still facing any kind of issues with your software and need professional assistance, regarding accounting, bookkeeping & accounting software-related issues then feel free to get in touch with us at +1-802-778-9005, or you can mail to us at: [email protected]