How to Deal With the Script Error When Accessing QuickBooks Desktop?


Understanding and Resolving: Script Error When Accessing QuickBooks Desktop

The Script Error when accessing QuickBooks Desktop can cause the webpage, the user is trying to access, to go unresponsive or nonfunctional. A message quoting, “Stop running script? A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly.” will most likely appear on your screen.

QuickBooks Program when experiencing a script error, corrupted Windows, damaged data files, disabled script debugging feature, Internet Explorer settings, and many more can be the cause behind the script error. As a result, the webpage the user is trying to open may not load or function correctly and accurately at that moment.

The QB script error can be resolved by clearing excess cache data, enabling the script debugging feature, clearing the SSL certificate from IE, reinstalling Internet Explorer, and many more depending on the cause of the error.

script error

[The above prompt will be displayed in case of a QuickBooks Script Error.]

What Are The Possible Causes of the QuickBooks Script Error?

Corrupted Windows, damaged data files, disabled script debugging feature, Internet Explorer settings, and many more factors can be at play when a script error occurs in QuickBooks. The following are possible reasons for this situation: 

Excess Cache and Temp Files: When the cache or temps files in Internet Explorer use too much space and have not been removed for a long time, the performance of the QuickBooks desktop slow and may eventually crash or stop working.

Disabled Script Debugging Feature: The disabled script debugging feature could be another potential trigger for this error.

Damaged Active X Component: Active X components may be damaged due to some unknown reason, resulting in a script error.

Request from Non-Existent Account: Trying to import data from an account that does not exist can result in a script error as you are sending an invalid request.

Corrupted Windows: A corrupted version of Windows or corrupt Windows can cause script errors as it interferes with the functioning of QB.

Damaged Data File: Data files may be damaged due to some unknown reasons, and as long as they are not attended to, they will pose problems with the functioning of the application. 

Malware: The presence of malware on your operating system can also be the cause behind script errors, as they might be causing hindrances in multiple ways.

Internet Explorer Settings: Most significantly, incompatible Internet Explorer settings lead to script issues frequently, as crucial functions are disturbed due to this.

What Are Some Typical Indicators Of A Quickbooks Script Error?

  • Sluggish functioning of Internet Explorer, unable or difficulty while updating QB, etc., are some typical identifiers of script error despite many people having reported no early indications. To further understand, go through the following to learn about early indications of script error: 
  • Internet Explorer will not work correctly, will start responding to all queries more slowly, and may even close itself during the normal course of work. 
  • The Windows Firewall forbids your internet activity even after manually enabling it.
  • Quickbooks stop functioning, and the mouse and keyboard can become unresponsive. This becomes less challenging at first, and eventually, you won’t be able to perform any task at all.
  • Downloading any kind of Quickbooks Desktop update will become challenging, and the update might even get stuck mid-process or abort itself.

eBetterbooks: Quick Fixes

Issue: Excess IE cache or temp files, resulting in conflicting versions and cookies.

Quick Solution: Delete all the Internet Explorer cache and temp files, which can be cleared from the browser’s settings or the control panel.

Issue: The QuickBooks website isn’t added as a trusted site in the Internet Explorer browser.

Quick Fix: Add the QuickBooks website-related sites to the trusted sites list in the Internet Explorer browser from the Internet Options option found in the Tools section.

Issue: The browser script debugging feature is disabled. 

Quick Fix: Internet Explorer’s script debugging feature is usually disabled by default and can cause script errors. Enable the Windows script debugging feature from the Internet Option to rectify this error.

Issue: The SSL Certificates of Internet Explorer are causing this issue. 

Quick Fix: To Clear the SSL Certificates from Internet Explorer, click on the Gear icon and select the Internet options, and from under the Content tab, click the Clear SSL state option.

Issue: Internet Explorer isn’t set as the default browser.

Quick Fix: Make sure Internet Explorer is set as the default browser, and if it’s not, set it as the default browser for QuickBooks.

Issue: The Internet Explorer has been corrupted due to some reason, causing the script error.

Quick Fix: Uninstall and reinstall the Internet Explorer browser by navigating to the Control Panel and using the Add/Remove Program section.

The above quick fixes will help you overcome the Script error when accessing QuickBooks Desktop. But if you are looking for an effortless, quick solution, immediately contact our customer service.

Contact us at +1-802-778-9005, or you can mail us at: [email protected]

What Are Possible Solutions for QuickBooks Script Error?

Activating IE’s debugging feature, clearing cache files, running IE in compatibility mode, etc., are methods that can be used to solve the script error. The following are some practical fixes that can stop the Internet Explorer script error from occurring or remove it completely:

Case 1: Excess amount of Cache data.

Solution 1: Clear Cache Data.

Step 1: Launch Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Choose the Tools option from the menu.

Step 3: Navigate to the General Tab by clicking Internet options.

Step 4: Select the Delete button under the browsing history.

Step 5: To continue, check all the boxes for cookies, history, and transient internet files.

Step 6: Click OK and Apply to finish.

Case 2: Can’t access the website trying to reach because of a bug in the browser or a limitation on the website itself.

Solution 2: Add the QuickBooks website to your trusted sites in the Internet Explorer browser.

The QuickBooks’ default browser is Internet Explorer. The app uses Internet Explorer to display the issue when you encounter it when using QuickBooks to view a webpage.

There is a good likelihood that the error is connected to the browser or website if you get a message that says the following:

“Line 36 Char 2 Error “$” Code 0 URL https://[email address removed]/sgn-rs/api/v1/lpd/las_box?param1=25&param2=las”

You can’t access the website you’re trying to reach right now, either because of a bug in the browser or a limitation on the website itself.  You will need to set up Internet Explorer regardless of the situation here. So, follow these instructions to make the necessary adjustments in Internet Explorer:

Step 1: Launch Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Navigate to the Tools option from the top menu bar.

Step 3: Toggle to the “Internet Options.”

Step 4: Choose the Security tab from the Internet options.

Step 5: Add all QuickBooks-related websites to the list of trusted websites.

Step 6: Uncheck the checkbox “HTTPS: Require server verification.” 

(Repeat for each website in the window zone titled Trusted sites.)

Step 7: Once finished, dismiss the window for Trusted sites.

Step 8: Uncheck the box next to “Enable Protected Mode.”

Step 9: After finishing the tasks above, shut down the Internet Explorer.

Restart your OS, then attempt to launch QuickBooks.

Case 3: The Internet Explorer’s Script Debugging Feature Is Disabled.

Solution 3: Turn the Internet Explorer’s Script Debugging Feature Is Enabled.

To enable the script debugging feature in Internet Explorer, follow the below instructions:

Step 1: Navigate to the Tools option in Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Select the “Internet Options” and then the “Advanced” tab option.

Step 3: Verify the setting available under the Advanced option.

Step 4: Select the “Browser” option from the menu—Set Internet Explorer’s Script Debugging feature to on.

Step 5: Press the OK button.

Restart Internet Explorer after closing it.

Case 4: Internet Explorer Is Not Rendering The Web Page Correctly.

Solution 4: Run Internet Explorer in Compatibility View.

Step 1: Launch Internet Explorer and select the Tools option from Settings.

Step 2: Access the Compatibility View options to open the Compatibility View window.

Step 3: Mark the checkboxes that read “Display all websites in Compatibility View.”

Step 4: To preserve the changes, click the Save Changes option.

Case 5: Some problems with SSL caching certificates in IE.

Solution 5: Clear SSL Certificates From Internet Explorer.

Deleting Internet Explorer’s SSL certificates from the settings menu follow the following instructions:

Step 1: Launch the Internet Explorer browser.

Step 2: Choose the Internet settings option from the Settings menu.

Step 2: Select the Content tab.

Step 3: Click the “Clear SSL state button” button from under the Content tab.

Step 4: Click OK to save changes and Exit.

Case 6: Active X component is damaged and not working as it should.

Solution 6: Verify That Active Scripting Is Working And Uninstalling Active X.

To disable Active X controls from Internet Explorer’s high-security mode, Follow the quick instructions below:

Step 1: Navigate to the Internet options after launching Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Select the Tools menu, then select the Security tab.

Step 3: Look for the ActiveX controls and plug-ins option under Custom Level.

Step 4: Click the OK button after choosing the Default level.

Steps for removing the ActiveX component from Internet Explorer:

You must first navigate to the settings in IE before you can uninstall and delete the ActiveX file from your PC.

Step 1: Go to the Settings tab.

Step 2: Select the View Objects tab.

Step 3: Check every checkbox before the ActiveX file currently installed on the computer.

Step 4: Look for files with names beginning with qboax, for example qboax11 or qboax11.dll.

You must also remove the file from the system and make sure that no instances of Internet Explorer windows are operating on OS.

Case 7: Unable to get rid of the Script error notifications.

Solution 7: Disable QuickBooks Script Error Notifications.

Step 1: Launch Internet Explorer.

Step 2: Choose the Tools tab from Settings.

Step 3: Choose Internet Options and then select the Advanced tab.

Step 4: Select the option to remove the notification of all script errors.

Step 5: Click OK to finish the procedure and save your changes.

Case 8: Internet Explorer is not set as the default browser.

Solution 8: Make Internet Explorer The Default Browser.

You may be accessing QuickBooks using a web browser other than Internet Explorer as your usual web browser. This could also result in such an error. As a result, you should be sure to designate Internet Explorer as the default browser.

Step 1: Launch Internet Explorer to make IE the new default browser.

Step 2: Open the browser and select the Tools option from settings.

Step 3: Select Internet Options.

Step 4: Click the Advanced tab after that.

Step 5: Select the Set as the default option.

Step 6: Click Apply and OK.

The Internet Explorer is now set as your default web browser. Once you’re done, check if the script issue has been fixed.

Case 9: Damaged /Corrupted Internet Explorer or IE files.

Solution 9: Reinstall Internet Explorer (Windows 10).

Step 1: Launch the Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.

Step 2: Navigate to the Add/Remove Program section.

Step 3: Then click the Turn Windows features on or off button and uncheck the box next to Internet Explorer.

Step 4: Return to the Turn Windows features on or off options after restarting Windows.

Step 5: Checkmark the checkbox next to “Internet Explorer” and restart your OS again.

Launch QuickBooks to see whether the script error is fixed.

Case 10: Restricting the URL responsible for the script error.

Solution 10: Add The URL You Are Getting In The Error Message To The Restricted Website List.

The most recent method for fixing script issues in QuickBooks 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, and any other version of the QuickBooks accounting software, is to add the URL you are getting in the error message to the restricted website list.

Step 1: Launch QuickBooks, then select the Help menu option.

Step 2: Select the Internet Connection Setup option.

Step 3: Select Next, and then select Advanced Connection Settings.

Step 4: Select the Restricted Sites option under Security.

Step 5: Click on Sites and copy and paste the URL in the error message here.

Step 6: Click the Add button, followed by the Close option.

Step 7: Click OK and Done to save your changes. 

Now restart your computer once to see if the error has been fixed.


Hopefully, the above solutions will help you overcome the Script error when accessing QuickBooks Desktop. But if you still need help regarding this issue or professional assistance, immediately contact our customer service to avoid any inconvenience and get an easy experience.

Implement the solutions given above to resolve the error; if you still need help, contact +1-802-778-9005, or you can mail us at: [email protected]