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How Much Do Bookkeepers Charge? [Rates & Fees]

Contents1 Bookkeepers Service Rates2 Why Do You Think Bookkeeping

Bookkeepers Service Rates

Bookkeeper rates fluctuate depending on the company size, business, and accounting services required. In-house bookkeepers can charge anywhere from $19-24 per hour, with variations depending on experience. Outsourced bookkeepers can be another solution with monthly bookkeeping fees starting from $49 per month.

Running a successful business is no joke. The business owner has to take care of many things such as inventories, supervising employees, and planning to boost their business. Accounting is one of the most critical areas in a business environment. Without proper bookkeeping and accounting, a company cannot sustain itself for long.

A business owner can acknowledge where he stands in the market and make the appropriate decisions. Having a properly maintained book enables you to save on taxes and stress and gives you a better understanding of improving efficiency and enhancing your income.

It is evident that hiring an accountant is mandatory, be it in-house or outsourced. It has its importance.

This article will discuss the details of how much do bookkeepers charge and investigate the alternatives of Bookkeeping for small to medium-sized businesses.

Why Do You Think Bookkeeping Is Vital?

It would help if you had a lot of planning and coordination to run a small or medium-sized business successfully. It is an ongoing process. The End of a cycle leads to the beginning of a new one.

Accounting and Bookkeeping is a topic that slips through your fingers very easily. It is such a complicated task that business people tend to overlook its importance and don’t even know how much do bookkeepers charge. Still, nobody can deny that it is one of the most important aspects of a business, irrespective of the organization you are running.

Balancing out the incomes and expenses of a business is the essence of Bookkeeping, and failing to do so can cause the owner some severe threats. It can seriously impact your business’s growth. By hiring an accountant or a bookkeeper, you can save tons of time and minimize errors. You can use that time on other productive tasks of your business.

What Are The Types Of Bookkeeping?

Every business requires a certain degree of financial management services depending upon its industry, size, and other factors such as the number of employees you possess and how long your business has existed.

Before appointing a bookkeeper, ask yourself if you need essential compliance or accounting assistance to enhance your business’s growth. After getting answers for this, proceed to the next step, i.e., comparing both the options.

Both the options have different rates and services. Therefore, it is a must to do thorough research before jumping on to any of them.

Let us discuss the differences between essential bookkeeping services and full-service Bookkeeping; we will try to help you choose the best option.

Basic Bookkeeping

If you are new to the business environment, basic Bookkeeping should be the appropriate option for you. Starting with the essential Bookkeeping services can assist your business remain coordinated with the regulations and balance your account payable and receivables actions.

You can upgrade your Bookkeeping to the advanced level after determining a baseline for your revenue and the overhead.

Another question that comes to our mind is, “what can we expect from the basic bookkeeping services?”

  • Having financial compliance with the state government.
  • Having accounts receivable and payables.
  • Recording the transactions and holding files properly.
  • Having an essential payroll management

Full-service Bookkeeping

Businesses that have sustained for long have more employees or are expecting growth may need a more muscular bookkeeping system.

Full-service Bookkeeping can assist you with basic Bookkeeping, and also it can help you maximize your financial strategies and allow your business to make more profit.

What else can you anticipate from a full-service bookkeeper:

  • Expect a dedicated team for accounting.
  • Analyze financial status and growth possibilities with monthly reporting.
  • Tax planning and consultations.
  • Maintain appropriate financial statements and records.
  • Bank and account management.

After figuring your accounting needs out, you can now proceed to the next step, i.e., how much bookkeeping costs and how much can you charge for bookkeeping services?

Lets come straight to the question, how much do bookkeepers charge?

How Much Are Bookkeeping Services Fees?

Bookkeeping rates depend upon the size, industry, and the type of financial services that you need. Bookkeeping services fees depend upon your bookkeeping requirements and the experience of the bookkeeper. Generally, they charge around $18-23 per hour (expect some variations).

Outsourcing the bookkeepers is a better option as it can cost you about $49 a month.

How Much Do Bookkeepers charge (in-house)?

In the USA, $20 is the average rate of a bookkeeper per hour. However, the bookkeepers may charge around $19 to $24 per hour. Their rates depend upon their Qualification, experience, and additional skill set. Hiring a part-time or full-time bookkeeper can significantly impact your labor cost.

Labor cost includes benefits, training, and time-off. Therefore, keeping an in-house bookkeeper can be beneficial for some, but labor costs can contribute to big businesses’ losses.

How Much Do Bookkeepers charge (outsourced)?

The cost of an outsourced bookkeeper is way lesser than hiring a full-time bookkeeper Outsourcing can be very cost-effective and can offer many benefits to the business and help it grow. The cost of outsourcing relied upon your requirements.

What are the benefits of outsourcing bookkeeping services:

  • You can avail of a collective experience.
  • You do not have to worry about your outsourced staff’s training.
  • You can get a cost and time-efficient solution.
    We assembled technical solutions.
  • You can expect advanced level security of your data.
  • A centralized account management system.

How To Look For The Suitable Bookkeeping Services For Your Business?

By this point, you must have got some insight into the bookkeeping services and their costs and the sort of Bookkeeping services that your firm requires; before jumping to the hiring process, we suggest you consider the factors mentioned below:

# Financial tools

Your business could already utilize some financial tools and software; adding more applications to the pile will not do any good to your business.

Be it in-house or outsourced bookkeeping agency services; you need someone who can utilize the tools suitable to your business.

# Industry-specific Account Management

It is essential to look for a person who is well aware of your industry and its regulations. For example, there is a different financial management requirement in a hotel and another in a hospital.

A person who understands your industry can better manage your financial data than those who are new to this field.

# Tax Saving And Revenue

Taxes can give goosebumps to some people, but organizing them properly for yourself and your business can be a whole new management level. A professional bookkeeper can assist you with your year-end tax return and contribute to your revenue growth.


Hiring a bookkeeper depends on your bookkeeping needs; start with analyzing all the factors and deciding what kind of services you need.
You can also avail eBetterBooks online bookkeeping services that include: accounting, online bookkeeping, taxation, and financial reporting at a package based bookkeeping pricing: Starter rates: $49 / per month
Standard:       $99 /per month
Premier:         $139 / per month
Corporate:     $249 / per month How much can you charge for bookkeeping services?

The following summarizes the most recent Live Bookkeeping pricing for QuickBooks: Customers with monthly costs ranging from $0 to $10K will be charged $200. Customers with typical monthly spending between $10 and $50,000 will be charged $300.

By : June 26, 2024
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