What is IRS Form 1065?

What is IRS Form 1065

Form 1065 (U.S. Return of Partnership Income) is an income tax return filed by partnerships and LLCs classified as partnerships in the U.S. The IRS issues it and declares the income, profits, losses, deductions, and credits of the entity.

But no taxes are paid directly through this form. Instead, it informs the IRS of the partnership’s financial position over the tax year.

For partnerships, the firm as a whole does not pay income taxes. The profits or losses of the partnership are “passed through” to the partners, who then report their share on their tax returns using Schedule K-1, which accompanies Form 1065. 

Who Should File Form 1065?

Unless there is no income or expenditure in a financial year, all domestic partnerships in the U.S. need to file Form 1065. 

As per the IRS, a partnership is when two or more people do business where each partner contributes money, skill, labor, and property. Partners split the company’s profits and losses, with or without a formal partnership agreement. 

The following businesses are considered partnerships:

  • Limited partnership
  • Joint venture
  • Syndicate
  • Any unincorporated organization through which financial operations are carried out

Sole proprietorships, estates, trusts, and corporations are not considered partnership businesses. 

As mentioned above, partnerships themselves do not pay income taxes. It is passed on to the partners of the company, who report and pay their taxes. The partners should include all partnership items in returns. 

Foreign partnerships earning income in the U.S. are required to file Form 1065, regardless of their main location of operation being abroad and their members being foreign nationals.

Foreign partnerships that generate income from the U.S. must file Form 1065 even if the principal place of operation is outside the U.S. and the members are foreign nationals. 

However, foreign partnerships do not need to file Form 1065 if the U.S. source income is less than $20000 in a tax year or generates less than 1% of its taxable income from the U.S.

Documents to File Form 1065

To file Form 1065, partnerships must prepare key financial documents, including the profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Partners must also include information like their Tax ID, number of partners, and the stake of every partner in the business. 

Partnerships also need to include information about the following:

  • Form 4562: Depreciation and Amortization
  • Form 1125-A: Cost of Goods Sold (if applicable)
  • Form 4797: Sales of Business Property (if applicable)
  • Copies of any Form 1099 issued by the partnership
  • Form 8918: Material Advisor Disclosure Statement (if applicable)
  • Form 114: Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (if applicable)
  • Form 3520: Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts (if applicable)
  • Individual tax return Form 1040 for farming partnerships (if applicable)

When to File Form 1065?

All domestic partnerships need to file Form 1065 by the 15th day of the 3rd month after their tax year ends, as indicated at the top of the form. 

For partnerships following the calendar year, the due date is March 15th. 

Partnerships can file the return the next day if the deadline to file Form 1065 falls on a federal holiday or on weekends. 

If any partnership needs an extension to file the form, you can request it by filing Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns. 

However, you need to file Form 7004 by the original due date of the partnership return to be eligible for the extension. It can be filed electronically.

You can also use certain Private Delivery Services (PDSs) approved by the IRS to mail your return on time. Check the current list of approved services and how to get proof of the mailing date. Also, note that PDSs can’t deliver to P.O. boxes, you must always use the U.S. Postal Service.

How to File Form 1065?

Other than compiling all the necessary financial documents like a balance sheet for the beginning and end of the year and a profit and loss statement, partnerships also need to disclose information like the percentage stake of each partner in the business, the date of inception, the total number of partners in the business, and the Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax ID. 

If your partnership business deals in physical goods, you have to provide information for calculating the cost of goods sold, such as beginning and ending inventory values. 

You should also indicate the accounting method your business entity uses and report any profits paid to partners beyond their standard payments or payments over $600 to contractors.

The easiest way to file Form 1065 is online. Or, you can file by mail, sending the form to the IRS center address for your state.

Where to Find Form 1065?

You can find Form 1065, also known as the U.S. Return of Partnership Income, on the official website of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

FORM 1065

Here’s a quick guide to locating it:

  • Go to the official website of the IRS
  • Hover to the ‘File’ page and click on ‘Businesses and Self-Employed’
  • From the list on the left side of the screen, select ‘Businesses and Self-Employed’ 
  • And then click on ‘Partnerships’ from the dropdown on the left

Form 1065 and other related forms and instructions should be listed there.

When is Form 1065 Required?

Form 1065 is required for domestic or foreign partnerships that don’t meet exceptions for filing. 

Generally, it must be filed by the 15th day of the 3rd month after the end of the tax year. For calendar year partnerships (January to December), the due date is March 15.

Bottom Line

While Form 1065 doesn’t involve direct tax payments, it serves to inform the IRS about the financial position.

All domestic partnerships, regardless of their income or loss for a tax year, need to file Form 1065. If you fail to file Form 1065 or provide Schedule K-1 on time, it can lead to penalties from the IRS. 


1.   What is the penalty for not filing Form 1065?

If a partnership doesn’t timely file Form 1065 or omits necessary information, it incurs a penalty of $235 for each month or part of a month the oversight continues, capped at 12 months. The penalty is multiplied by the total number of partners in the partnership for any part of the tax year the return applies to.

2.   What happens if you do not file Form 1065?

If you don’t file Form 1065, you receive a penalty from the IRS. If the IRS sends a penalty notice, you can explain why you didn’t file, and the IRS will decide if it’s a valid reason.

Also, failing to provide Schedule K-1 (and K-3, if applicable) to partners on time can result in penalties. For each failure during the 2023 tax year, a $290 penalty may be imposed per Schedule K-1 (and K-3, if applicable), up to a maximum penalty of $3,532,500 for all failures during the year. 

If the failure is intentional, the penalty increases to $580 per Schedule K-1 (and K-3, if applicable) or 10% of the total items required to be reported, whichever is greater, with no limit to the penalty amount for intentional disregard.

3.   What is the difference between a K-1 and Form 1065?

The Schedule K-1 reports a partner’s share of the partnership’s income, while Form 1065 is the partnership’s tax return filed with the IRS, summarizing its financial position for the year.

4.   Do partners need to file a Form 1065?

No, partners don’t file Form 1065. Instead, partnerships file Form 1065 to report their income, deductions, credits, and other financial information to the IRS. The partners receive Schedule K-1, which they use to report their share of the partnership’s income on their individual tax returns.

5.   Do you need to file a 1065 if your partnership did not have income?

Yes, even if a partnership did not have income, it still needs to file Form 1065 with the IRS.