Income and retained earnings are indicators of a business’s financial health. The income statement’s most important component is revenue. It indicates the company’s “top line,” or the profits generated during the time period. The total of a company’s net profits and net losses across all of its years of existence is known as retained earnings. On the income statement, retained earnings make up a portion of the stockholders’ equity.

The income earned through the sale of a company’s goods or online bookkeeping services is referred to as revenue. The amount of net income retained by a company is known as retained earnings. Both income and retained earnings can be vital in assessing a company’s financial planning.


Executives and shareholders can use revenue as a metric to evaluate a company’s success in terms of market demand. The income statement’s top line is revenue. As a result, when evaluating a company’s financial success, it is frequently referred to as the top-line number. Since revenue represents a company’s earnings, it is the earnings before deducting the cost of goods sold (COGS), operational costs, capital costs, and taxation.

All sales revenues are added together before discounts, returns, and allowances to determine gross sales. Discounts, refunds, and allowances are not included in net sales.

Many shareholders are focused on revenue on the financial statements, but revenues also have an impact on the balance sheet. A company’s balance sheet indicates bigger cash holdings if it makes cash sales. Trade receivables are the revenue reported by companies that bill their sales for pay at a later date. Accounts receivable are reduced and cash increased after cash is received due to payment terms.

Retained Earnings:

There are two types of retained earnings. A part of a company’s revenue that is preserved or retained from net income at the conclusion of a fiscal quarter and kept for future use as stockholders’ equity is referred to as retained earnings. This is also an important component of owner’s equity in determining a company’s market valuation.

The profit earned over a period is referred to as net income. It is computed by removing all of a company’s operating costs from its revenue. COGS, as well as running expenses like rent, mortgage payments, payroll, utilities, and miscellaneous costs, may be included.

On a periodic reporting basis, net income is the first element of the calculation of retained earnings. Because it lies at the end of the revenue statement and offers detail on a company’s value after all expenses have been paid, net income is sometimes referred to as the bottom line.

Retained Earnings Calculation:

Businesses add net revenue to retained earnings, net of any taxes, at each end of the reporting period. Dividends are subtracted from net income because they diminish the amount of equity in the organization.

The financial statement retained earnings formula is to compute by adding the net revenue (or loss) for a period to the initial balance of retained earnings on the financial statements, then removing any dividends expected to be paid to shareholders.

For instance, consider the following figures for the current period:

When the reporting period began, there was a $5,000 retained earnings balance.

For the period, there was a net profit of $4,000

$2,000 in dividends were paid out.

The following are the retained earnings on the balance sheet at the end of the period:

Beginning balance of retained profits + net income (or loss) – dividends

$5,000 + $4,000 – $2,000 = $7,000 in retained earnings

The following are the retained earnings from the income statement:

$4,000 – $2,000 = $2,000

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Is retained earnings part of owner’s equity?

Paid-in capital retained earnings, and other income statements make up shareholder equity (sometimes known as “shareholders’ equity”). Amounts given during an equity raise by shareholders’ exercise are referred to as paid-in capital. Items that are included in other comprehensive income are not reported on the financial statements but have an impact on the book value of a company’s equity. Pensions and currency translations are two examples of these types of transactions.

Retained earnings have a direct impact on shareholders’ equity because net income is added to retained earnings each period. As a result, measurements like return on equity (ROE), or the amount of profit earned per dollar of book value equity, are affected. Once a company has established a consistent profit, it is in the company’s best interest to pay dividends to its shareholders in order to maintain a target level of shareholder equity and a high return on investment (ROI).

Advantages of Retained Earnings:

According to the Corporate Finance Institute, retained earnings are the part of your income that is kept in the business rather than paid as dividends. According to the CFI, companies keep it for a variety of reasons, including keeping a healthy pool of working capital, purchasing assets, and paying off debts. Using retained earnings as a stream of funds for these items has various advantages, according to Accountant Skills:

  • It’s a low-cost source of funds because, unlike loans, there are no interests or fees.
  • Utilizing retained earnings is adaptable and fast.
  • There are no restrictions on how you spend money, and you won’t have to wait for a borrower to respond. You can invest your retained earnings in R&D, upgrade your equipment, or recruit more people.
  • It can help you earn more money in the future. You’re investing to increase the profitability of your business, and unlike a mortgage, you won’t have to worry about interest charges eating into your potential earnings.

Depending on retained earnings could have several drawbacks. Shareholders may feel cheated out of their dividend income if they believe you rely too heavily on earnings or don’t use the money wisely. Managers may decide to spend money merely because it is there, wasting it.

You may not have formed the relationships with lenders and investors that you will need in the future if you require outside financing.

When you issue new shares to raise funds, you diminish the equity of the current owners. With more owners, there may be increased pressure to pay huge dividends rather than diversifying earnings in the future.

When Should You Utilize Your Retained Earnings?

Have you noticed an increase in profits but aren’t sure what to do with it? Check the balance of your withheld profits. If this number isn’t as big as you’d like (and your company is still young), your best strategy is to maintain these profits in the company and avoid paying out a huge dividend. If your business ever hits a hard patch and starts losing money, your retained earnings can help you get through it.

Have a good net income and earnings left over? Now might be a good moment to reinvest some of your retained earnings back into the company. If your e-commerce business is growing, you may need to switch to a larger warehouse or buy a new domain name. These are excellent uses of your retained earnings because they are not part of your ordinary operating expenditure.

Retained Earnings Statement:

You disclose your retained earnings on the end-of-year balance sheet when you know how much money you have leftover at the end of the year. If you’re preparing end-of-quarter financial reports, the same rules apply. Along with the balance sheet and other financial statements, some bigger businesses’ reports include a more thorough account of retained earnings.

There is no need to undertake any more number crunching for this statement. It simply divides the figures in the retained earnings equation to display the period’s beginning retained earnings, the sums added to or deducted from that preliminary step, and the final result.

Why bother with a separate statement in the first place? Because this data is helpful in evaluating business performance. Investors may be impressed if you can demonstrate to them how you’re using it to grow the firm and produce additional earnings in the future.

The statement can be examined using a retention ratio, which is defined as net income – dividends divided by net income. Net income of $48,000 less $25,000 in dividends is $23,000 in the first retained earnings scenario. The retention rate is 48 percent when divided by $48,000. The lesser the dividends, the greater the ratio.

Is it Sensible or Stupid to Retain Earnings?

Retaining earnings, like so many other parts of the industry, can be a wise strategy or a bad one. While dividends are appealing, investors may be patient if they believe they are backing a winner. According to Bench, Apple had a 100% retention rate from 1995 to 2012, paying no dividends. Investors, on the other hand, remained loyal to the corporation.

What makes for a strong retention ratio is determined in part by the circumstances of your firm. Consider a manufacturing business that is heavily investing in complex equipment; the ratio is likely to be high, and most investors will see that you require the funds more than they do. You can definitely get away with paying greater dividends and reducing the ratio if you’re a service company with little capital or equipment. Retaining earnings as a cushion is a good choice if you expect substantial losses in the future year.

eBetterBooks help Investors consider numerous factors when evaluating your retained earnings policy like:

  • What is the age of your business? Your retained earnings account keeps track of all the money you’ve kept since the beginning.
  • That should add up to a fair sum in an older business.
    Do you pay out dividends on a regular basis? The more money you distribute, the less money you keep.
  • Are you making money? You should have higher retained earnings if you’re making a lot of money. Is your industry cyclical or steady?
  • Investors realize that if demand in your sector rises and falls like a roller coaster, you’ll need to maintain significant reserves when things are good to keep you afloat when things are bad.

In Conclusion:

Because retained earnings are produced from net profit on the revenue statement and add to book value (shareholders equity) on the financial statements, they differ from income. Revenue is shown as assets on the balance sheet and is indicated at the top of the income statement.

Are you unsure if you’ve accurately calculated your retained earnings? Consider using an accounting service such as eBetterBooks. We’ll assign you to a bookkeeper who will compute your retained earnings for you so you always know where you stand.

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